New crowns have been detected in the outer packaging of Ecuadorian shrimp. Can imported cold chain f
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New crowns have been detected in the outer packaging of Ecuadorian shrimp. Can imported cold chain f

Bi Kexin introduced that in order to prevent the risk of the introduction of the new crown pneumonia epidemic through imported cold chain food, the national customs has carried out new crown virus risk monitoring on imported cold chain food.

As of 24:00 on July 9, a total of 227,934 samples were sampled and tested by customs across the country, including 43,964 product samples, 147,568 internal and external packaging samples, and 36,402 environmental samples. Among the above samples, on July 3, Dalian Customs loaded a sample of frozen vannamei shrimp produced by Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila SA (Registration No. 24887) on the inner wall of the container, and frozen South America produced by Empacreci SA (Registration No. 681) in Ecuador. The three outer packaging samples of white shrimp were positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid.

On the same day, Xiamen Customs detected the new coronavirus nucleic acid positive in two outer packaging samples of frozen vannamei shrimp produced by Empadora Del Pacifico Sociedad Anonima Edpacif S.A (registration number 654) in Ecuador. The above-mentioned companies’ frozen vannamei shrimp body and inner packaging samples tested negative for the new coronavirus nucleic acid, and the other 227,928 samples tested all negative.

Bi Kexin said that with the rapid development of overseas epidemics, especially in some countries 'returning to work with the epidemic,' the risk of contamination of cold chain links has increased. The positive samples were analyzed by nucleic acid sequence and judged by experts. The test results indicated that the container environment and outer packaging of the products of the three Ecuadorian companies are at risk of being contaminated by the new crown virus. Experts judged that the detection result does not mean that it is contagious, but it reflects that the food safety management system of the relevant enterprise is not in place.

What measures has my country taken to respond?

Bi Kexin said that in order to protect the health of consumers, the General Administration of Customs has decided to suspend the registration of the three Ecuadorian companies in China from today, suspend the import of the products of the three companies, and take measures such as returning and destroying temporarily seized goods. The General Administration of Customs has notified the competent authorities of the Ecuadorian government to investigate relevant issues and give feedback to China as soon as possible. At the same time, it is requested to further strengthen the supervision of food companies exporting to China, and urge companies to implement the 'New Coronary Pneumonia and Food Safety: Guidelines for Food Companies' jointly formulated and issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, improve the food safety management system, and strengthen production and processing. , Safety and hygiene management and employee protection during transportation to ensure the safety of food exported to China.

Bi Kexin said that in the next step, the General Administration of Customs will further strengthen the source control of imported cold chain foods, adopt measures such as insisting on moving forward at the customs, carrying out remote video inspections, and adopting measures to suspend product imports, strict port inspection and quarantine, and guaranteeing import and export food Safety.

In response to the recent cluster infections in meat and aquatic products companies in some countries, my country has taken measures such as suspending the import of their products. At present, it has suspended 23 foreign meat companies including Tunnes in Germany, Tyson in the United States, Agra in Brazil, and Tulip in the United Kingdom. Imported products of similar enterprises.

Can frozen seafood and meat become a source of infection?

In recent months, meat companies in the United States, Europe and other meat companies have seen frequent clusters of cases of the new crown pneumonia virus. After clusters of cases have appeared in the Beijing Xinfadi market, the possibility of imported cold food as a source of virus infection has attracted much attention.

Li Ning, deputy director and researcher of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, said that the US Institute of Military Medical Infectious Diseases has taken the lead in carrying out related research to inoculate the new crown virus on the skin of hairless pigs to observe the stability of the new crown virus survival at different temperatures. The purpose of the study is to use pig skin to simulate the skin of human hands, so as to predict the survival time of the virus on the skin of human hands. The results of the study found that it can survive on the skin of pigs. The results of this study once again remind the public, During the epidemic prevention and control period, it is very important to wash your hands frequently and keep your hands clean.

Li Ning said that based on the opinions of relevant international organizations and existing evidence, the possibility of frozen aquatic products and frozen meat as a source of infection is very small. Authoritative organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the European Food Safety Agency, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have clear views, and their views are relatively consistent, that is, the new crown virus mainly passes through the human respiratory tract and droplets. The possibility of infection through the digestive tract is very small if it is spread through close contact with people. So far, there is no evidence of food transmission of the new coronavirus. So far, there have been no reports of food-related cases in the more than 10 million confirmed cases reported globally and more than 80,000 confirmed cases reported in my country.

Li Ning said that in all aspects of food production, processing and sales, if the surrounding environment is contaminated by the new crown virus, or the food industry personnel themselves are infected with the new crown virus, they may contaminate the food. During the epidemic period, it is especially important to emphasize that food workers must do a good job in the sanitation and disinfection of food production, processing and sales environments and facilities, strengthen self-health monitoring, and never work with illness.

How can ordinary consumers ensure food safety?

For ordinary consumers, it is often impossible to determine whether the food they buy comes from an epidemic area. What should ordinary consumers do to ensure food safety?

Li Ning said that we must keep in mind the five key points recommended by the World Health Organization for good food safety: keep clean, separate raw and cooked, cook and cook thoroughly, keep food at a safe temperature, and use safe water and raw ingredients. Special reminders of the following points:

First, food must be washed carefully before processing, and water splashes must be prevented during the washing process.

Second, the food must be cooked thoroughly. Generally, the cooking temperature at home can kill the new crown virus and other pathogenic microorganisms. This is essential to ensure food safety.

Third, be sure to separate raw and cooked ones. Pay attention to the containers used, including cutting boards and knives, and pay special attention to avoid cross-contamination when handling raw meat, raw aquatic products and other foods.

Fourth, after the cooking process is completed, clean and disinfect the countertops, containers, kitchen utensils, etc.

Li Ning said, finally remind consumers that they must develop good hygiene habits, wash their hands frequently during the entire process of handling food, including packaging materials, and avoid touching the mouth, eyes and nose with dirty hands. If the above requirements are met, food safety can be well guaranteed, and food can be eaten with confidence.

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