Notice of the Ministry of Commerce and Other Departments on Expanding Imports and Promoting the Bala
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Notice of the Ministry of Commerce and Other Departments on Expanding Imports and Promoting the Bala

In order to implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on advancing the mutually beneficial and win-win opening strategy, and to better utilize the positive role of imports in meeting the people's consumption upgrading needs, accelerating the innovation of systems and mechanisms, promoting the upgrading of the economic structure, and enhancing international competitiveness, While stabilizing exports, we will further expand imports, promote the balanced development of foreign trade, promote high-quality economic development, and maintain free trade. Here are the following opinions:

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, coordinate the promotion of the 'five in one' overall layout and coordinate the promotion of the 'four comprehensive' strategic layout, and adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, Firmly establish a new development concept, adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, take the 'Belt and Road' construction as the lead, and focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development, coordinate the domestic and international markets, and accelerate the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy , While stabilizing exports, actively expand imports, promote the improvement of the quality of the domestic supply system, meet the people's consumption upgrade needs, achieve superior import and export, and promote the balanced development of foreign trade.

(2) Basic principles.

One is to persist in deepening reform and innovation. Deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms, create an environment for innovative development, improve the level of trade facilitation with innovation in systems, models, formats, and services, and expand imports to enhance the sustainable development of foreign trade.

The second is to insist on both import and export. On the basis of stabilizing the international market share of exports, we should give full play to the important role of imports in increasing consumption, adjusting structure, developing the economy, and expanding opening up, and promote the balanced development of imports and exports.

The third is to insist on overall planning and development. Adhere to the coordination of domestic and foreign needs and the integration of domestic and foreign trade, promote the interactive and coordinated development of trade in goods and services, use of foreign capital, foreign investment, and foreign aid, follow the principle of marketization, treat domestic and foreign capital equally, and promote the balance of current account payments.

The fourth is to adhere to the strategy of mutual benefit and win-win results. The expansion of imports will be closely integrated with the promotion of the 'Belt and Road' construction and the acceleration of the implementation of the free trade zone strategy, increase imports from relevant countries and regions, expand the integration of interests, and jointly promote the development of an open world economy.

2. Optimize the import structure and promote the upgrading of production and consumption

(3) Support the import of products related to people's livelihood. To meet the needs of consumption upgrade and supply improvement, support the import of daily consumer goods, medicine and rehabilitation, and elderly care equipment closely related to people's lives. Implement measures to reduce import tax rates for some commodities, reduce intermediate circulation links, clean up unreasonable price increases, and effectively improve people's living standards. Improve the duty-free shop policy and expand the import of duty-free goods. (The Ministry of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Health Commission, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the Food and Drug Administration, etc. Division of labor)

(4) Actively develop service trade. Adjust the 'Encouraged Import Service Catalog.' Accelerate the innovative development of service trade, vigorously develop emerging service trade, and promote the import of productive services such as architectural design, business logistics, consulting services, research and development design, energy conservation and environmental protection, and environmental services. (The Ministry of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, the Health Commission, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Customs, the Foreign Exchange Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5) Increase the import of technological equipment that is conducive to transformation and development. Determine the key areas of import based on the development of domestic industries, give full play to the role of the 'Encouraging Imported Technologies and Products Catalog', support the import of technologies, equipment and parts and components required for the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries, and promote the introduction, absorption, absorption and re-innovation. Optimize the inspection model of complete sets of equipment that encourages imports. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the Energy Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(6) Increase imports of agricultural products and resource products. In line with the overall layout of domestic agricultural supply-side reforms and structural adjustments, we will moderately increase imports of domestic agricultural products that are in short supply and agricultural materials and agricultural machinery that are conducive to enhancing agricultural competitiveness. Accelerate the signing of protocols for the inspection and quarantine of agricultural products with relevant countries, and promote the inspection and quarantine of important food and agricultural products. Encourage the import of domestic resource products that are in demand. (The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the Energy Bureau are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

3. Optimize the international market layout

(7) Strengthen international cooperation on the “Belt and Road” initiative. Give full play to the role of multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation mechanisms, take relevant countries of the “Belt and Road” as important sources of imports, strengthen strategic alignment, appropriately increase imports of specialty and high-quality products that meet the needs of domestic consumption upgrades, and expand the scale of trade. (The Ministry of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the General Administration of Customs, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the Energy Bureau are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(8) Speed up the implementation of the free trade zone strategy. Continue to maintain the multilateral trading system and unswervingly support global trade liberalization. Actively promote free trade zone negotiations with relevant countries and regions, and accelerate the construction of a high-standard free trade zone network based on the periphery, radiating the 'Belt and Road', and facing the world. Guide enterprises to make full use of the preferential arrangements of free trade agreements and actively expand imports. Increase aid for trade promotion. (The Ministry of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the International Development Cooperation Agency, etc. shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(9) Implement preferential arrangements for importing goods and services from the least developed countries. Continue to implement the promise of zero-tariff treatment for 97% of the products exported to China from the least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with China. Continue to give the least developed countries preferential measures for market access to service trade under the framework of the World Trade Organization. Provide assistance to the least developed countries under the framework of South-South cooperation. (The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the International Development Cooperation Agency, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

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